Friday, February 3, 2012

Discomfort Foods

My Grandpa's birthday is coming up soon.  Papa is the kind of person that you just have to smile at.  Always cracking jokes or just being funny without realizing it.  Pure Papa.  So what do "discomfort foods" have to do with him?  He's always convinced that certain foods do certain things to him.  He's one to hold a grudge against a food, and while I was reading this in my food science book one day, it made me think of him and his issues with blueberries...but we won't get into that.  At least now we have a name for these foods.
We were eating dinner one day at home and, while I can't remember what we were eating, I remember the conversation going a little something like this:
Me (in reply to something disgusting): Oh, well that's disgusting (obviously)
Parental advisory: Christina, don't say disgusting, say "it's not to your liking"
Me: Fine, it's not to my liking.
Potential Parental inquiry that occurred literally 30 seconds later: Do you want some beets?
Me: No, they're disgus...(getting the stare-down from the occupants of the table) I mean, not to my liking.
Here's to all you folks who have a discomfort food.  or just don't like beets. Instead of disgusting, let's stick to "discomforting" (I'm helping you out, I promise. You don't want to get the table-stare-down, do you?)

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