Mission Statement?

this is redemption's story, with every step that I'm taking,
everyday, you're chipping away what I don't need
and this is me under construction, this is my pride being broken,
everyday I'm closer to who I'm meant to be
I'm a change in the making

Lots of places have mission statements. I wanted to write one. This page is essentially that.  

Why am I writing this blog?  

(1) I like stories. Boring ones, funny ones, old ones, long ones (Although, I must say, the funny ones are my personal favorites).  In this sense, this blog is created to share my stories.  I really do like making people laugh, so if random laughter or chuckling occasionally occurs, kudos to you.

(2) The writing of letters is swell, but trust me, it's a lot of work when you are in the midst of college work and such.  I like traditional snail-mail, simply because...well, don't you love that feeling when you get a letter in the mail?  When you have a lot of people on your mailing list though...it's just tiring. 

(3) Here's to the family.  This blog is mostly created for my family.  I don't always have the time to call up my grandparents or my relatives.  Believe me, I wish I did, but I don't think they would appreciate a phone call at one in the morning.

(4) What about me?  In the future, I can look back on these posts and remember a lot of the good times, the sad ones, and all the ones in between.  Here's to remembering what's making me...me.

(5) Last, but not least, here's to my faith in God.  The title of this blog, "Change in the Making," comes from a song by Addison Road (Look it up, it's a goody).  Here's to Act II of my life, I'm just a change in the making, figuring myself out, but I'm most certainly not alone.

Precaution: I'm just going to warn you now, most of the things that happen to me aren't as exciting as I perceive them to be. This is where most people agree with me. (Chuckle) And obviously, you probably won't find every story as great as I do, but that’s the great thing about this blog…I merely decide what to share and the reader does what they may with it.  Don't say I didn't warn you. =P

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