Monday, November 26, 2012

Quotes Galore

I have heard different things about how to bring up old memories--Maybe by writing funny moments down and putting them in a jar, and looking through all of them at the end of each year.  I think that I'm going to have to start a daily book of quotes.  I write down "quotes of the day" all the time.  I have quotes from friends, professors, and family scribbled on random pieces of paper and in my notebooks.  I think I'm going to have to designate a journal specifically for favorite quotes and quotes of the day.  Today's quote of the day so far: "Cause it really wouldn't be good if our wedding rings turned into pencils"
Enjoy your Monday! 

Monday, November 19, 2012


Well, with Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I'm excited to be heading home for the holiday.  Less than 24 hours now! I haven't been home in a solid month and a half (weaning in preparation for abroad, surely).  I'm so excited to see everyone and to see Emmy! I miss my little pup.  Of course I have a checklist for my home-ly activities.
-Check mushroom log (inoculated with mushrooms in class last year...I'm still trying to see if it grows)
-Prune apple tree
-Get out Christmas Decorations!!
-Get some much needed rest before finals
-Eat some yummy turkey and potatoes and stuffing and pie slash home cooked food in general

It's such a tease! I only get to be home a couple days and will be back for several weeks before I'm actually done.  How mean, Cornell!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Chemistry is not as easy as it looks, kids.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not terrible at chemistry, and I do enjoy it. (Especially the labs, they make me feel like such a chemist!) But it does have its difficult moments.  To make up for my complete lack of chemistry brains, I thought that maybe I would instead make use of my memory talents in memorizing The Elements Song.  The song, however, has proven itself to me as being very fast and super difficult to memorize. It also takes substantial warming up or the vocal chords and lips to be able to sing the song as fast as it should be, like in this here video:

I am still intending on memorizing this song.  Give it some time!

Friday, November 2, 2012


Hi all!
We will not linger on the fact that I have not blogged in months, but instead skip forward to the part where I hope to be better about it in the future...especially as..I'M GOING ABROAD!
I'm so excited about it, as I've never been out of the country.  I'm studying at a small agriculture focused college in the UK.  Right now I'm really busy as I plan and find an airplane ticket and apply for my visa and such, but I'm sure it will be fully worth it and I look forward to living in another country for a little while.  A friend of mine is abroad right now and keeps an updated blog.  I'm sure that she misses Cornell, but it also sounds like she thinks it's nice to get away from Cornell for a little bit.  I can imagine that will be nice. I do love it here, but this semester has been very busy and stressful...a semester's break from that kind of stress will be greatly appreciated.  So here is my potential to-do list for going abroad:
-Learn how to play Cricket
-Start drinking tea
-Purchase Plane Ticket
-Get Visa
-Ask tons of questions to people that actually know what they're doing when it comes to going abroad.
-Watch more Rugby
-Start saying things like "Bob's your uncle" and "Jolly old chap"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Just Thursday

I'm just going to take a minute here to breathe.  Sighhh*  Much better.  It is so hot outside!  This week has been long and will continue to be since I'm working the weekend too.  The other day was Strawberry Fest a couple miles away from my house.  My family went with Grandma (She treated us! How nice!) and we got full--and I mean full--of strawberries.  I was thinking I was just going to get handed this nice little bowl with a biscuit and strawberries and ice cream. But no! I get handed a full plate of strawberries, ice cream, whip cream, and a biscuit.  If I had eaten dinner, I don't know how I would've gotten through that full plate.  Thanks, Grandma!

The weekend is almost here and that means...still working!   I have a busy weekend filled with work ahead of me, but it will be fun.  I have to miss church though (again) which is a downer.  Either way, I'm pooped today and ready for some sleep!  Nap time here I come.

Monday, July 2, 2012


So. It has been forever since my last blog (April apparently).  I have been crazy busy recently, what with my freshman year ending and starting my job, along with everything else.  Today, blogging was on my to-do list. 
I don't know if you know this about me, but I am a crazy to-do-list-maker.  I write them like its my job, and it really should be because I think I spend more time writing I should do than getting things done.  Otherwise, I'm completely lost and can't keep anything straight.  It isn't like my memory is bad, because I'm a great "remember-er" but I can't keep focus very well.  Thus the to-do list.
So today on the top of my to do list was to write a blog.  I also need to wash my window, finish my laundry, clean my room,...I can't remember what else (I lost my to-do list =\ ).  Is it sad though that I have been home a month and a half and I am still not fully unpacked?  My room is a war zone. 
So all I'm really saying in this not-at-all-organized post is that I'm exhausted and obviously can't make coherent posts, and maybe I should just go to bed now.  And I would....if my laundry were done.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Things Professors Say

Alright, so I know it has been a really long time since my last post.  Yeah, over a month. So I'm bad at being consistent, let's leave it at that.
There are days in class when I literally cannot keep myself awake and the thing that stops me from keeling over in a pile on the floor are the quotes I jot down from my professors.  Sometimes, the right things that professors say, when taken out of context, can be so funny (and be enough to keep someone awake).  I thought I would share some of this generous wisdom that some of my professors have given.

"People have been eating fruit for....years"
"Maybe there's things that people are putting in their mouths that they shouldn't be putting in their mouths"
"It looks like, this class at least....drinks, a lot.  We'll talk about that"
Question: "Is there a particular livestock you like" Professor's Answer: "Well...I liked our cat"
"Do you believe the Ho?!" (Ho=Null Hypothesis...but is somewhat a double entendre..)

"That's worse than being buried alive--Buried with a Stat test!"
"I'm ganna run out and get me a strawberry yogurt"

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mud on the Tires

This is the first weekend of my Spring Break.  It was a long week getting to this, but I'm home and bumming it. Because I use bum as a verb. 
I am  probably one of the worst drivers that you will ever encounter.  The problem isn't so much that I'm a bad driver (I did get the driver's ed. award in high school), but more that I get really nervous when I do actually drive.  I've spent approximately 98.745 percent of my driving career going back and forth from home to town.  I also have gotten the four-wheeler stuck (twice), which I believe should be proof of my poor driving abilities.  It seems that I always have misfortunes like that.  Having been at college for a while, my driving skills are a little rusty, so when I was asked to take my little sister to my uncle's house today, I was alright until I realized I would be taking the truck.  The truck doesn't scare me too much, and I thought that I would be okay, until I saw the muddy back-road that I would be taking.  My little sister convinced me to take another route, so we changed directions onto another dirt road that was....without a doubt, far muddier.  As we were slipping and sliding and figuring out 4-wheel-drive, I was thinking to myself that maybe I shouldn't have agreed to drive her over.  But we got to the other road she told me to take, and we started up the base of that hill, which we then proceeded to take in reverse as it was deemed too much of a challenge for my driving skills with the amount of mud on that hill.  We decided to give it up.
We went home and washed the truck, again (because it had been washed just before we realized we needed to take it) and my uncle came and got Brittany...he also told us that the hill we originally planned on taking was dry.  Point Brittany.  Negative points for me for letting Brittany convince me to take a different route. 
Surely, this will not be the only driving story ever posted. Just wait.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Just Kidding

Oh deary, So today's blog involves something near and dear to my heart, and apparently everyone else's because it's all I seem to be hearing about this past week or so.  Goats!  A bunch of my friends live on goat farms or raised goats, and a farming couple even came into one of my classes and talked about their goat farm and goat cheese business. They all keep talking about how they get to go home over break and see all of their "kids" and I'm so jealous.  Sigh* I miss having goats, and right about now, I really miss kidding season.  Even though kidding season meant a ton more work, it was well worth it to see all those little guys running around. If you don't believe their cuteness/adorability (maybe made-up words), let's just take a gander at this here picture.

Rocky was trying to help me with my homework
Rocky was one of my kids several years ago, and when he was born, he was super weak and was our house goat for about a week as he began to walk.  Usually kids take literally only minutes to stand up after being born, but Rocky didn't walk for several days.  He sure was a cutie, and got stronger by the day.  He was just like a dog and would follow you everywhere. I would let him out of his pen while I was doing chores and he would follow me out to the water trough and back into the barn...and we went for walks together (sounds lame, but it was super cooooool. All the cool kids are doing it these days).   That's...pretty much my goat blog.

In other news, my Valentine's Day balloon has made it a month, 
but today it's looking a little sorry.  It's at waist height, 
but still in the air.  Also, I hope to be adding 
more pictures to the Emmy page =] Puppy pictures, 
those are the best! Check 'em out!