Oh deary, So today's blog involves something near and dear to my heart, and apparently everyone else's because it's all I seem to be hearing about this past week or so. Goats! A bunch of my friends live on goat farms or raised goats, and a farming couple even came into one of my classes and talked about their goat farm and goat cheese business. They all keep talking about how they get to go home over break and see all of their "kids" and I'm so jealous. Sigh* I miss having goats, and right about now, I really miss kidding season. Even though kidding season meant a ton more work, it was well worth it to see all those little guys running around. If you don't believe their cuteness/adorability (maybe made-up words), let's just take a gander at this here picture.
Rocky was one of my kids several years ago, and when he was born, he was super weak and was our house goat for about a week as he began to walk. Usually kids take literally only minutes to stand up after being born, but Rocky didn't walk for several days. He sure was a cutie, and got stronger by the day. He was just like a dog and would follow you everywhere. I would let him out of his pen while I was doing chores and he would follow me out to the water trough and back into the barn...and we went for walks together (sounds lame, but it was super cooooool. All the cool kids are doing it these days). That's...pretty much my goat blog.

Rocky was trying to help me with my homework |

In other news, my Valentine's Day balloon has made it a month,
but today
it's looking a little sorry. It's at waist height,
but still in the
air. Also, I hope to be adding
more pictures to the Emmy page =] Puppy
those are the best! Check 'em out!
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