Friday, March 16, 2012

Mud on the Tires

This is the first weekend of my Spring Break.  It was a long week getting to this, but I'm home and bumming it. Because I use bum as a verb. 
I am  probably one of the worst drivers that you will ever encounter.  The problem isn't so much that I'm a bad driver (I did get the driver's ed. award in high school), but more that I get really nervous when I do actually drive.  I've spent approximately 98.745 percent of my driving career going back and forth from home to town.  I also have gotten the four-wheeler stuck (twice), which I believe should be proof of my poor driving abilities.  It seems that I always have misfortunes like that.  Having been at college for a while, my driving skills are a little rusty, so when I was asked to take my little sister to my uncle's house today, I was alright until I realized I would be taking the truck.  The truck doesn't scare me too much, and I thought that I would be okay, until I saw the muddy back-road that I would be taking.  My little sister convinced me to take another route, so we changed directions onto another dirt road that was....without a doubt, far muddier.  As we were slipping and sliding and figuring out 4-wheel-drive, I was thinking to myself that maybe I shouldn't have agreed to drive her over.  But we got to the other road she told me to take, and we started up the base of that hill, which we then proceeded to take in reverse as it was deemed too much of a challenge for my driving skills with the amount of mud on that hill.  We decided to give it up.
We went home and washed the truck, again (because it had been washed just before we realized we needed to take it) and my uncle came and got Brittany...he also told us that the hill we originally planned on taking was dry.  Point Brittany.  Negative points for me for letting Brittany convince me to take a different route. 
Surely, this will not be the only driving story ever posted. Just wait.

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