Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Things Professors Say

Alright, so I know it has been a really long time since my last post.  Yeah, over a month. So I'm bad at being consistent, let's leave it at that.
There are days in class when I literally cannot keep myself awake and the thing that stops me from keeling over in a pile on the floor are the quotes I jot down from my professors.  Sometimes, the right things that professors say, when taken out of context, can be so funny (and be enough to keep someone awake).  I thought I would share some of this generous wisdom that some of my professors have given.

"People have been eating fruit for....years"
"Maybe there's things that people are putting in their mouths that they shouldn't be putting in their mouths"
"It looks like, this class at least....drinks, a lot.  We'll talk about that"
Question: "Is there a particular livestock you like" Professor's Answer: "Well...I liked our cat"
"Do you believe the Ho?!" (Ho=Null Hypothesis...but is somewhat a double entendre..)

"That's worse than being buried alive--Buried with a Stat test!"
"I'm ganna run out and get me a strawberry yogurt"

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