Friday, November 2, 2012


Hi all!
We will not linger on the fact that I have not blogged in months, but instead skip forward to the part where I hope to be better about it in the future...especially as..I'M GOING ABROAD!
I'm so excited about it, as I've never been out of the country.  I'm studying at a small agriculture focused college in the UK.  Right now I'm really busy as I plan and find an airplane ticket and apply for my visa and such, but I'm sure it will be fully worth it and I look forward to living in another country for a little while.  A friend of mine is abroad right now and keeps an updated blog.  I'm sure that she misses Cornell, but it also sounds like she thinks it's nice to get away from Cornell for a little bit.  I can imagine that will be nice. I do love it here, but this semester has been very busy and stressful...a semester's break from that kind of stress will be greatly appreciated.  So here is my potential to-do list for going abroad:
-Learn how to play Cricket
-Start drinking tea
-Purchase Plane Ticket
-Get Visa
-Ask tons of questions to people that actually know what they're doing when it comes to going abroad.
-Watch more Rugby
-Start saying things like "Bob's your uncle" and "Jolly old chap"

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