Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It has been too long

Okay, so here I am, so long after the last time I blogged, and you've all missed so much. I'll try my best to update you efficiently.
The last couple weeks have been a whirlwind. I've spent a ton of time in the library, and a ton of time getting to know people who I'm going to miss sooo much.
First, a question: I'm not sure if it's behaviour or behavior anymore...which one? The 'our' and 're' and 'ise's are now soaking into my use of words like colour, centre, and organise.
By the time I officially leave here, I will need to have done eight final assignments. Today I turned in two of those, leaving my count at five done so far.  It has been a long time coming--Lots of hours in the library. Last week I went on Tuesday to the library at 3:30p and had a break at 10p, went back to the 24-hr room until 5:30a, slept for a little while and went back to the library until 3:30p again to finish up my two assignments that were due last Wednesday. Nothing like procrastination.
Last weekend was Paddy's Ball which is a big event, they have a Ball every term and it's a pretty big deal.  Apparently a lot of money and planning goes into it, but it was a blast and totally worth the ticket.  Basically like a big dance party =)
This week is my final week of class at Harper.  I'm terribly sad and know I'm going to cry when I leave on Friday for London. Which brings me to my next point, I'm going on holiday for the next couple weeks! I'll be meeting my friend Sarah from Cornell in London. (She's flying in from Parma, Italy which is where she's studying this semester). We'll be in London a little while, then we're heading to Ireland! We'll be exploring Ireland, then flying to Italy where we will be until I decide to come back to Harper. Harper students are on a month-long break starting this Friday, so they won't be here when I get back, but then I will finish up my remaining assignments and head on home (mixed feelings, I miss home, but I'm going to miss this place). 
That's pretty much all I have to say right now. I'll try to keep y'all updated if I can while I'm traveling, but it's unlikely. You'll hear from me soon!

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Thing About Eggs

Let's begin by saying that I'm not such a fan of many breakfast foods, nor am I very good at getting up and eating breakfast I guess it works out okay.  I thought, however, that I might need eggs for something I got some.  I thought maybe I could make an omelet or something or need them for cooking at some point. I was wrong.  The thing about eggs is...I always think that I'll like them. I try and I try to like them.  I set out making something spectacular like a lovely omelet and I get disappointed when I taste it and realize I still just really don't like eggs that much.  
Fried eggs I'm a little more comfortable with. Grandma Dates makes magic fried eggs, they're so delicious.  For some reason whenever we're up there visiting, eggs seem so much more tasty and I could eat a couple fried eggs for breakfast if I wantedYet at home (or anywhere else) the magic fades.  I will eat fried eggs with french toast or pancakes, but not generally by themselves.
Needless to say, it took me a while to get through the eggs that I bought.  I had gotten a dozen, and they were lovely eggs, don't get me wrong. I had nothing against them and I was really hoping that I would enjoy them...I just didn't.  Now you know.
Someday I'll develop a taste for eggs.