Statistics.Section. Two words that can't get much worse when put together. Basically, section is like a lab for a class. So I have statistics three times a week and then there's a two hour section once a week....and mine just so happens to be on Wednesday 7:30 until 9:30. It's late. It's dark. It's exhausting. I mean, just to walk over there is exhausting enough, but the statistics work is exhausting too. It just plain hurts your brain. (hahah, that sortof rhymed!) You have to come in with your homework in hand (pre-stapled! don't forget) and they give you a whole other packet to do in the two hours that you're there that has to be handed in to be graded at the end. And then you walk towards the door. Ready to leave. Finally free!...BUT HOLD ON! Major psych-out there. They hand you another packet to do for homework to hand in the next week. Yeah. That happened. Soul crushing? Yes.
Now, how could this possibly get worse? Well, this week it did. Let's just lay out this scenario here. I'm walking to class. This building has the highest temperature on campus, I'm almost sure, so the heat is killing you as you walk up all the stairs. I almost reach the room where I have class and here comes my T.A. (teaching assistant--essentially my teacher for section), the room is locked. So we go into the Stats office. Twenty-three people gather inside this room that is about the size of my dorm room for two hours. Those windows were wide open, thank goodness it was refreshingly cold outside. I was very much the last person to leave, at 9:45, homework in hand.
As if this couldn't get much worse, next week I have regular section plus another whole two hour section that we all had to sign up for in order to understand Minitab, which is a program we have to use for graphs and such.
So. painful.
At least we got cookies.
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